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Political Science Optional (PSIR)


PSIR Optional: A Strategic Advantage in the UPSC Exam

Opting for Political Science and International Relations (PSIR) as an optional subject for the UPSC exam provides a significant strategic benefit for candidates. PSIR’s comprehensive topic coverage aligns well with the General Studies syllabus, minimizing the need for additional extensive preparation.
This subject helps students understand complex political theories and international relations and sharpens their critical analytical skills. Its relevance to current affairs gives candidates a notable advantage in both the written and interview stages of the UPSC exam.

PSIR has consistently been a high-scoring subject, making it a favoured choice among civil services aspirants due to its strong success rate. The UPSC Annual Report reported that PSIR optional has been the best-performing option in the last 5 years. Each year, approximately 150 students make it to the final list.

Why Do Most Students Choose PSIR as an Optional?

Selecting Political Science and International Relations (PSIR) as an optional subject for the UPSC Civil Services Exam offers several notable advantages:
1. Overlap with General Studies: The PSIR syllabus significantly overlaps with the General Studies (GS) papers, reducing the need for              extensive study. With approximately 50% convergence with the GS syllabus, PSIR stands out among optional subjects.
2. Essay and Interview Preparation: PSIR aids in essay writing and interview preparation, covering philosophical themes and current national
and international affairs.
3. Scoring Potential: With effective preparation and guidance, PSIR can be highly scoring due to its structured and conceptual syllabus. PSIR
students have scored as high as 327 marks, one of the highest among humanities optionals.
4. Interdisciplinary Approach: PSIR integrates elements from political science, international relations, sociology, and other disciplines, fostering
a comprehensive understanding of societal dynamics.
5. Ease of Understanding: The PSIR syllabus’s logical and evolutionary flow makes it accessible even to students with science and technology
6. Interest Alignment: : Candidates passionate about political affairs, governance, and global issues find PSIR intellectually stimulating and
7. Resource Availability:: Abundant study materials, coaching, and expert guidance are available for PSIR, supporting efficient and thorough
8. Relevance to Current Affairs: The subject’s close connection to ongoing events makes it easier to stay informed and relate theoretical
concepts to practical scenarios

Why you should choose the Monarch IAS PSIR optional program

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