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Political Science Books for UPSC

Political Science books are crucial for UPSC exam preparation, especially for candidates who have chosen Political Science and International Relations (PSIR) as their optional subject. This subject covers a wide range of topics prescribed in the syllabus, including political theories, international relations, Indian politics, and governance.

Political Science Books provide a conceptual understanding of political institutions, ideologies, and global affairs, helping candidates build a strong foundation in political science. Political Science knowledge is applicable to the General Studies papers, particularly in areas related to Indian polity, governance, and international relations. This article will cover the list of recommended books for UPSC Political Science.

NCERT Political Science Books

NCERT Political Science Books for UPSC act as an important gateway for UPSC Mains preparation as they help in strengthening the basics and building a strong core for a better understanding of all topics. Important NCERT Books for Political Science for UPSC are:

Economics NCERT Books for UPSC

Reading Economics NCERT books is crucial for UPSC preparation as they lay the groundwork for understanding economic principles, policies. These books provide insights into topics like macroeconomics, microeconomics, fiscal policies, and more. Download NCERT economic books from here.